Recorded at
136098 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 3 way acro with Daniela and Kirill Diving linetwists 1793 137 48.6 27.02.2025 136097 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 - Coaching Cameraflying Havok, with Daniela and Kirill 2019 159 53.6 27.02.2025 136096 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 - 3 way docks Daniela and Kirill + cloud chase at the end 1848 198 47.4 27.02.2025 136042 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 jump 4 - cameraflying mainly on the back 2082 163 48.4 24.02.2025 136041 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 jump 3 - cameraflying the whole jump on the back 2110 156 49.6 24.02.2025 136040 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Mako 2 jump 2 - 5 way dock + stack 1701 122 52.2 24.02.2025 136039 IA Mako Skydive Spain (ESP) Jump 1 Mako 2 - 5 way acro, many moves 1674 129 48.3 24.02.2025 134562 IA Mako Skydive Algarve (POR) Wingsuit headdown carving with Jimmy. 1st jump 696 98 25.4 29.12.2024 134561 IA Mako Skydive Algarve (POR) XRW with Aron and second wingsuiter - Day 3 jump 2 Feet grab dive 1614 128 54.5 29.12.2024 134559 IA Mako Skydive Seven (POR) XRW with Aron - Day 3 jump 1 First half of the jump with Mutant harness, then standing on second half 2144 127 61.3 29.12.2024 134510 IA Mako Skydive Seven (POR) XRW with Aron 1747 119 55.9 28.12.2024 133259 SQ C-Race 1st try CRACE 1735 144 49.4 07.11.2024 132517 SQ Swift 4 Skydive Spain (ESP) Matthias Huber day 2 jump 1 18.10.2024 130516 SQ Sumo 4 Monte Brento (ITA) Taylor Oliver jump 3 mégatrack 630 89 25.4 20.09.2024 130450 SQ Sumo 4 Monte Brento (ITA) 429 79 19.5 19.09.2024 130449 SQ Sumo 4 Monte Brento (ITA) Taylor O jump 2 429 79 19.5 19.09.2024 130448 SQ Sumo 4 Monte Brento (ITA) Taylor O jump 1 251 53 17.1 19.09.2024 129936 SQ Freak 5 Monte Brento (ITA) Matthias 1424 115 44.5 11.09.2024 129925 SQ Freak 5 Monte Brento (ITA) mqtthiqs 11.09.2024 129869 SQ Freak 5 Monte Brento (ITA) Saut 2 matthias 1325 116 40.9 10.09.2024 129719 SQ Freak 5 Monte Brento (ITA) Matthias 158 75 7.6 08.09.2024 128354 SQ Aura 5 DZ Bovec (SLO) Chasing the plane jump 2 2298 171 49.8 28.08.2024 128307 IA Mako DZ Bovec (SLO) Headdown carving second jump with Edison 582 82 25.8 28.08.2024 128190 IA Mako DZ Bovec (SLO) Wingsuit headdown carving with Tijana 567 68 61.1 25.08.2024 128189 IA Mako DZ Bovec (SLO) Wingsuit rodeo 10 way angle tracking 799 121 23.6 25.08.2024
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