
DZ Elsinore, CA

Lat: 33.6302805, Lon: -117.29576826, MSL: 382.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7419 31.7 197.72
6553 23.1 206.48
5761 23.1 208.86
5028 19.3 207.9
4346 17.9 213.67
3710 16.4 212.67
3113 12.7 210.52
2554 8.8 208.62
2025 4.6 228.51
1525 0.7 50.62
1049 1.0 210.21
818 1.8 230.22
593 1.7 241.18
373 1.4 244.55
158 1.4 244.6
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