
DZK Krasnodar

Lat: 45.256079, Lon: 38.923809, MSL: 24.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7315 21.8 227.98
6469 19.3 221.81
5693 15.3 208.94
4975 14.0 208.79
4308 14.4 215.19
3684 14.8 226.68
3097 12.3 227.12
2542 11.7 231.09
2014 10.6 229.19
1510 10.4 224.04
1027 12.1 226.28
793 14.3 233.4
565 17.2 240.26
342 15.7 241.03
126 10.8 237.16
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