DZ Herning

Lat: 56.1828, Lon: 9.0397, MSL: 51.0
Altitude Wind Speed, m/s Wind Direction
7227 38.6 42.23
6406 35.4 41.54
5654 31.7 45.31
4960 28.4 48.63
4319 22.0 45.12
3721 15.7 44.84
3162 11.6 44.47
2634 10.7 46.16
2135 9.4 43.68
1660 8.9 35.2
1206 9.1 30.98
987 9.0 32.82
772 8.8 36.74
562 8.2 42.63
357 6.8 51.85
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