Suits list

Power tracking suit Phoenix Fly

Recorded at
55814 Sebastian Dratwa Low Ultimate (SUI) 26.11.2020 55813 Sebastian Dratwa Low Ultimate (SUI) 26.11.2020 55810 Sebastian Dratwa Low Ultimate (SUI) 26.11.2020 55811 Sebastian Dratwa Low Ultimate (SUI) 26.11.2020 55807 Sebastian Dratwa Low Ultimate (SUI) 399 70 20.5 26.11.2020 55817 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 282 66 15.2 26.11.2020 55823 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55648 Luca Low Ultimate (SUI) ultimateg 453 80 20.3 25.11.2020 55822 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55821 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55820 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55819 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55818 Sebastian Dratwa High Nose (SUI) 25.11.2020 55576 Luca High Nose (SUI) 1th High Nose 205 55 13.4 23.11.2020 55575 Luca La mousse (SUI) 1th La Mousse 149 42 12.6 23.11.2020 55046 Johannes Aasen DZ Skydream (ITA) 01.11.2020 55045 Mandem DZ Skydream (ITA) 1010 155 25.5 01.11.2020 55044 Mandem DZ Skydream (ITA) 1010 155 25.5 01.11.2020 54917 James Boole Monte Brento (ITA) 553 81 24.5 28.10.2020 54461 Bjarte Kalskråtind (NOR) 957 117 29.3 14.10.2020 54315 Steve Sparky Baich Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1281 119 38.6 10.10.2020 54318 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1274 129 35.6 10.10.2020 54233 Steve Sparky Baich Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1077 123 31.5 08.10.2020 77263 vincent martinod Monte Brento (ITA) 30.09.2020 77264 vincent martinod Pilastro (ITA) 30.09.2020 53049 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1598 130 43.9 19.09.2020 52927 Steve Sparky Baich Kjerag #6 (NOR) Kjerag #5 676 105 23.2 19.09.2020 52809 Steve Sparky Baich Kjerag #6 (NOR) Kjerag #5 695 108 23.2 17.09.2020 52787 Steve Sparky Baich Kjerag #6 (NOR) 610 105 20.8 16.09.2020 52734 Vincent Bravo Peronne DZ - France 897 693 7.9 12.09.2020 51780 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 664 98 24.3 02.09.2020 51695 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1198 129 33.3 31.08.2020 52178 Gavin Patnode Pisetta (ITA) 201 45 15.9 25.08.2020 50688 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1230 131 33.6 20.08.2020 50364 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1489 128 41.7 17.08.2020 50038 Shane Dunn Katthammaren (NOR) 860 106 29.1 07.08.2020 48549 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1399 119 42.3 01.08.2020 48548 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1069 121 31.6 31.07.2020 59800 Luca Sala Monte Brento (ITA) BASE 162 04.07.2020 45293 Luca Sala Monte Brento (ITA) BASE_TRACKING 2-PIECE_PTS_BRENTO_BASE 153 - LOAD #2 - Running EXIT (Best 2020) 718 97 26.4 20.06.2020 59799 Luca Sala Monte Brento (ITA) BASE 153 20.06.2020 45068 Shane Dunn Romsdalshorn (NOR) 1146 122 33.6 14.06.2020 45021 Philip Ryumin DZ Putilovo (RUS) 1260 232 21.7 13.06.2020 45004 Philip Ryumin DZ Putilovo (RUS) 1433 234 24.4 13.06.2020 44948 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 704 100 25.3 12.06.2020 44933 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 727 103 25.4 11.06.2020 44915 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 693 100 24.9 10.06.2020 44710 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 690 100 24.8 01.06.2020 44687 Shane Dunn Gridset (NOR) 681 103 23.7 31.05.2020 44659 Bernhard Groß Monte Brento (ITA) 352 67 18.7 30.05.2020
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