Suits list

ATC Squirrel Suits

Recorded at
33365 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) 1401 127 39.7 11.07.2019 33439 Martin Pan Spire (NOR) 1527 94 58.4 10.07.2019 33361 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) Viento sur fuerte 15-20 kts 719 134 19.3 10.07.2019 33295 Cody Matechuk Via Ferrata (SUI) distance vs time speed run 822 127 23.2 09.07.2019 33364 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) OK vuelo a la IZ arettrizando en el heli pat 1345 112 42.9 09.07.2019 33290 Caleb Read High Nose (SUI) Outside cam with Ty 689 111 22.3 09.07.2019 33363 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) 1309 118 39.7 09.07.2019 33293 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 8 un fler intermedio condiciones no termicas 1309 118 39.7 09.07.2019 33362 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) 1359 133 36.6 09.07.2019 33292 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 7 ful pata todo bien 1359 133 36.6 09.07.2019 33294 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 9 izquierda del brento mucho viento del sur 1359 133 36.6 09.07.2019 33219 Cris_BrentoBASEschool Monte Brento (ITA) 1396 110 45.3 08.07.2019 33258 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 6 bien pero inseguro en la apertura agerre ese pioto bien 1396 110 45.3 08.07.2019 33216 Cris_BrentoBASEschool Monte Brento (ITA) 1330 129 37.1 08.07.2019 33257 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) WS 5 salida bien segun SEBASTIAN relajada poro line twist otra ves x1 1330 129 37.1 08.07.2019 33249 Travis Ray DZ Elsinore, CA (USA) My best flare to date 1485 189 42.8 07.07.2019 33186 Caleb Read Via Ferrata (SUI) 346 52 23.5 07.07.2019 33185 Martin Pan Bispen (NOR) 1127 136 29.8 07.07.2019 33256 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 4 bien 1400 125 40.1 06.07.2019 33223 Cris_BrentoBASEschool Monte Brento (ITA) 7 luglio 2° 1400 125 40.1 06.07.2019 33255 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) ws 3 bien 1521 67 81.6 06.07.2019 33222 Cris_BrentoBASEschool Monte Brento (ITA) 7 luglio 1° 1320 131 36.2 06.07.2019 33030 Martin Pan Gridset (NOR) 756 117 23.2 05.07.2019 33253 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) Wingsuit 1 con Cris . abrir piernas antes OJO 1125 133 30.4 05.07.2019 33254 leopoldo Turco Monte Brento (ITA) WS 2 line twist x 2 1125 133 30.4 05.07.2019 33225 Cris_BrentoBASEschool Monte Brento (ITA) 6 LUGLIO 1° WINGSUIT 1125 133 30.4 05.07.2019 32864 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Speed 2 2151 183 45.9 04.07.2019 32945 Caleb Read Kandersteg 1st Flight from this exit 1120 109 36.9 04.07.2019 32835 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Speed 2 2124 193 42.8 04.07.2019 32840 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) 04.07.2019 32806 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Distance 2 2364 145 67.1 04.07.2019 32756 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Time 2 2546 161 66.0 03.07.2019 32713 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Speed 1 2229 204 42.8 03.07.2019 32692 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Distance 1 2628 159 63.6 03.07.2019 32635 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) 2382 147 63.6 03.07.2019 32669 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) 2382 147 63.6 03.07.2019 32665 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) 2382 147 63.6 03.07.2019 32630 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Time 1 2382 147 63.6 03.07.2019 32622 James Boole brento 03.07.2019 32623 James Boole Monte Brento (ITA) 1275 129 35.3 03.07.2019 32620 James Boole Monte Brento (ITA) c3 1547 138 40.1 03.07.2019 32586 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) Bad first round - hit cloud and lost all reference marker 2151 165 53.9 02.07.2019 32568 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) UK WS Nationals - Time 1 2151 165 53.9 02.07.2019 32559 James Boole Monte Brento (ITA) c2 1554 137 40.6 02.07.2019 32555 NP Monte Brento (ITA) #16. Speed run, intentional dive off the exit. Mild wind from north. Had to turn slightly to open north of lz. 1543 133 41.7 02.07.2019 32558 James Boole Monte Brento (ITA) c1 1403 136 37.0 02.07.2019 32599 Michael Stocks DZ Dunkeswell (GBR) 2012 190 41.2 01.07.2019 32471 NP Monte Brento (ITA) #14. Speed run. Going for a dive, then trying to convert it gradually to horizontal speed. No wind. Exited from left side. 1664 141 42.4 01.07.2019 32500 Cody Matechuk Via Ferrata (SUI) 556 91 21.8 01.07.2019 32470 NP Monte Brento (ITA) #13. Speed run. Going for a dive, then trying to convert it gradually to horizontal speed. No wind. Exited from left side. 1469 144 36.6 01.07.2019
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