
Recorded at
13938 Nikolay Chichkanov SQ CR+ Skydive Dubai Palm (UAE) XRW with Peregrine-69 1687 124 86.2 11.11.2017 13937 Mao TS R-Bird DZ Garzigliana (ITA) 2432 194 45.1 12.11.2017 13934 Alex TS S-Bird Monte Brento (ITA) 1633 45 129.5 12.10.2017 13933 Alex TS S-Bird Monte Brento (ITA) 1633 45 129.5 12.10.2017 13932 Khizar Naeem SQ Sausage Monte Brento (ITA) 1050 114 32.9 12.11.2017 13931 Nikolay Chichkanov SQ CR+ Skydive Dubai Desert (UAE) time 3533 181 76.1 12.11.2017 13930 Nikolay Chichkanov SQ CR+ Skydive Dubai Desert (UAE) time 3252 183 77.6 12.11.2017 13927 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Casale (ITA) 1670 63 94.3 11.11.2017 13926 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Casale (ITA) 11.11.2017 13921 Anatoly Uzun TS Nala Monte Brento (ITA) 1718 96 64.2 10.11.2017 13920 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) clouds :-) 1650 63 93.4 09.11.2017 13917 Anatoly Uzun TS Nala Monte Brento (ITA) 1711 91 67.3 08.11.2017 13916 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Casale (ITA) 1671 61 97.3 02.11.2017 13915 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 2 way 1650 57 104.2 02.11.2017 13914 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 3 way 1592 75 75.9 02.11.2017 13913 Cris_BrentoBASEschool SQ Freak 2 Monte Brento (ITA) 3 way 1647 45 129.2 03.11.2017 13912 Serger Kistaevich PF Vampire Alpine DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) 3383 170 87.6 07.11.2017 13911 Eirik Test SQ ATC DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Task3: Time2 wc2017 2609 164 73.7 07.11.2017 13910 Eirik Test SQ ATC DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Task3: Time2 wc2017 2609 164 73.7 07.11.2017 13909 Gillian BG Tracksuit Bec Margain 833 19 153.3 03.11.2017 13908 Maxim G IA Orca DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Speedround2 2598 289 64.1 06.11.2017 13907 Eirik Test SQ ATC DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Task2: speed wc2017 r2 2199 272 34.7 06.11.2017 13906 Javier Rodriguez SQ Aura 3 Boitiva 04.11.2017 13905 Javier Rodriguez SQ Aura 3 Boitiva 04.11.2017 13904 Javier Rodriguez SQ Aura 3 Boitiva 04.11.2017 13903 Jose Isoardi SQ Freak DZ Cañada de Gomez (ARG) 1 con Jorge 2098 213 40.6 04.11.2017 13902 Serger Kistaevich PF Vampire Alpine DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) 3879 176 86.9 06.11.2017 13901 Eirik Test SQ ATC DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Task 3: Time WC2017 3160 196 66.9 06.11.2017 13900 Serger Kistaevich PF Vampire Alpine DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) 4469 209 87.3 06.11.2017 13899 Jose Isoardi SQ Freak DZ Cañada de Gomez (ARG) vuelo con Jorge Malatini 1838 173 41.9 05.11.2017 13898 SQ Aura 3 Dent de crolles 3152 132 85.4 14.10.2017 13897 SQ Aura 3 Bourne / Fond de cirque (FRA) 1381 94 52.8 04.11.2017 13896 SQ Aura 3 Bourne / Le Feel (FRA) 1818 55 117.5 04.11.2017 13895 Adrien TS Jedei 3 Bourne / Molaire (FRA) 1809 49 131.1 04.11.2017 13894 Adrien TS Jedei 3 fil 1 1820 41 156.6 04.11.2017 13893 Adrien TS Jedei 3 fil 1 04.11.2017 13892 Adrien TS Jedei 3 saut4 3373 85 142.3 03.11.2017 13891 Adrien TS Jedei 3 Bourne / Molaire (FRA) 1836 40 163.4 04.11.2017 13890 Adrien TS Jedei 3 Devoluy 1416 56 90.6 04.11.2017 13889 Adrien TS Jedei 3 Devoluy 04.11.2017 13888 Sam SQ ATC Skydive San Marcos (USA) 1985 132 61.8 05.11.2017 13887 Eirik Test SQ ATC DZ Skydive Fyrosity (USA) Task2: Speed WC2017 1797 262 26.2 05.11.2017 13886 Sam SQ ATC Skydive San Marcos (USA) 1985 132 61.8 05.11.2017 13885 Rene Generoso IA Piranha DZ Skydive Lone Star (USA) 9th ws jump 1551 159 35.4 05.11.2017 13884 Rene Generoso IA Piranha DZ Skydive Lone Star (USA) 8th flight 1286 139 33.7 05.11.2017 13883 Rene Generoso IA Piranha DZ Skydive Lone Star (USA) 7th jump 1393 139 36.0 05.11.2017 13881 John Smith PF Track suit DZF 102 47 7.8 19.03.2014 13880 John Smith PF Track suit DZF 76 51 5.3 13.08.2016 13879 John Smith PF Track suit DZF 32 27 4.4 02.12.2012 13878 John Smith PF Track suit DZF 23.12.2015
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